>I have inherited TSM totally on my own now and have to learn real fast.
>I need to know where the include/exclude statements should go.
>The manuals say:
>  dsm.opt or dsmserv.opt or dsmserv.opt.smp
>The previous ADSM operator was to have setup the include/excludes, but when I
>look in the *.opt files, I don't see any of them there.
>Env.: 2 H70 RS6K, 4.3.3, TSM 3.7.3 server, client still at 3.1.?.

Which "manuals" are you looking at?
Chapter 7 of the ADSM 3.1 Unix Backup-Archive Clients manual, under
Creating an Include-Exclude Options File says:

    You can specify the include and exclude options in the client system
    options file. You can also create an include-exclude options file to
    exclude specific files from backup services, and to assign specific
    management classes to files.

Under the specific Include and Exclude options description:

    Place this option in the Include-Exclude options file or the client system
    options file (dsm.sys).

Richard Sims, BU

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