I use MOVE MEDIA for this operation both ways, out and in the library.
With CHECKOUT  you have to provide the volume labels of the tapes you want
to remove from the library, while with "move media" you can select by
stgpool. I am not sure if the "checkout" changes the access to offsite but
"Move media" creates a file with the volume label of the tapes that
processes, and you can afterwards run a command to perform an update of the
volumes with access=offsite.
The only problem is that, what the command creates is a macro and can only
be scheduled by a cron job,( my system is UNIX.)
The macro can not be scheduled by TSM, not included in a script. It has to
run from the command line.

----- Original Message -----
From: Reiner Sauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:26 AM
Subject: Antw: "Move media" vs. checkout

I've learned that to get the tape out and set in the db to offsite, is to
use the command checkout and the tape get offsite. Now the tape is not
availiable fpr the library. To get the tape in you should use the commands
checkin and update volume.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7.11.2000 22:14:11 >>>
I'm looking at moving our copypool tapes offsite.  We are not running
DRM.  I've been reading the archive of this list and it seems some people
use the adsm checkout command and others the Move media command to remove
the tapes from the library for offsite storage.  I've read up on both and
it seems the move media command is the right one for removing the tape from
the library and a checkin command to bring it back in.  Does anyone have
any comments on the checkout versus "move media" command that might help
explain their use?  Am I on the right track thinking the "move media"
command should be used?

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