        Open Edition is now Unix System Services.  I went to the
impl;imentation class and listened to some people complain that there was
not a GUI for OS390 Unix System Services CLIENT.  But with the TSM 4.1
version there is a USS CLIENT, but it requires OS390 2.8 to get support.  I
was told it would work with OS390 2.7 but if I needed a fix specific to 2.7
they would not make it.  Either way we start putting in OS390 2.10 in a
month so it shouldn't matter to me.   THe USERTEXT exit is the same
information that the USEREXIT gets but in a readable text format.  We were
toying with using a userexit to determin when a backup completes whether or
not it was successful, then passing the message up to our external (to TSM)
job scheduler.  It looks a little to involved and it seems like NO ONE IS
DOING THIS.  I got zero help from IBM/Tivoli (they point out the DSECT in
the book at said that is all the help I would get).  And when I asked the
group I got Zero responses on it.  If you know anyone doing it let me know.
I pushed it back on the UNIX server owners to write scripts on there
platform to talk to the external scheduler to report status.
    (The virtual tape project sounds like more fun)
-----Original Message-----
From: Virginia Hysock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: What Level OS/390 MVS Server?

     Thanks for your reply.  We are running OS/390 2.6 and ADSM
and are backing up Unix System Services (I believe?) - isn't it called the
Open Edition or something?  Are y ou saying there is no GUI for 3.7 but
there is for 4.1?  What is the USERTEXT EXIT?  Yikes - guess I'm really
behind.  I've been tied up with a virtual tape project since the end of
June and have just let ADSM run itself.


"MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on
11/14/2000 06:59:04 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: What Level OS/390 MVS Server?

I have recently installed TSM for the first time in our shop.  We put TSM
4.1 on OS390 2.7.  As a rule I always put in the most recent release.  Two
things I saw on 4.1 that grabbed my attention.  One is the support for
Os390's Unix System services at (os390 2.8).  Before that there is no GUI
interface.  The second is the support of our remote clients using subfile
backups.  I haven't got all the regular servers in production yet so I
haven't had a chance to use either of these features yet.  But I know they
are part of the plan.
        The only problem I had is with using the USERTEXT EXIT it was
me garbage.  They had a fix for it and a bunch of other things that I
see.  I believe I am now at 4.1.1.

-----Original Message-----
From: Virginia Hysock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 6:59 PM
Subject: What Level OS/390 MVS Server?

---------------------- Forwarded by Virginia L Hysock/GIS/CSC on 11/13/2000
06:58 PM ---------------------------

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Virginia L Hysock/GIS/CSC
11/13/2000 12:51 PM

Subject:  What Level OS/390 MVS Server?

Hello all,

     It's been a while since I've had time to converse on the list (or even
read it, for that matter).  I am preparing to upgrade my ADSM
OS/390 MVS server to a supported level of TSM.  I have noted some
conversation around a 4.1 level server.  Has anyone out there been running
4.1?  Are there any problems with it?  If I upgrade, would you recommend
3.7 or 4.1 and at what maintenance level?  Thanks for any help,


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