Hi All

I'm trying to put a square peg into a round hole and wonder if you guys can

I'm trying to set up offsite vaulting on a TSM server, without DRM and I've
been directed to use the same storage company that has been used in the
past.  This company only offers a "box" level service, ie they will take a
box of tapes off-site for storage and bring it back on request.  They will
not open the box to retrieve a single volume, and every box movement is
charged for.

My first thought was to put one tape in each box <G>
Other than that ...

Lets assume that we keep boxes off site on a 60 day rotation

DBB volumes will be ok, just delete them from volhist at 60 days.
For copypool volumes, all I can think of is to check the date last written
and run move data on any that are not empty or pending at 60
days-reusedelay.  Also I'll set the reclaim level so that most tapes are
reclaimed before they would need to have data moved

How does everyone else handle this?


Steve Harris
AIX/TSM Admin Contractor
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

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