
This is a known limitation of the current TSM Web Client. TSM development
is working on
this, and is planning  to remove this limitation in the next TSM Client PTF
by allowing the
user to specify port values for all the TCP/IP ports needed by the TSM Web
Client; This
will be done via a new WEBPORTS option.

As always, standard disclaimer applies.....

       Robert Edwards
       TSM Development

| Hello ,
| I am configuring TSM client throught firewall ( CheckPoint ) - I know
| this configuration is unsupported but we
| created some rules for B/A a scheduler sessions . What I failed is client
| acceptor - it seems that after
| http connect to port 1581 client receives java applet + dynamic port
| used by java applet for connection
| to client acceptor service . Does somebody know how to set up port used
| client acceptor ?
| It seems that there is some communication on port 2370 between applet and
| TSM client - any idea ?
| Any help in this area will be highly appreciated.

| Regards

| Petr Prerost

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