Hi TSM-development,

my situation
1. we are an AFS-site, where the user's HOME's are in AFS and every
   user has it's own filespace, resulting in ca. 20000 filespaces.
2. A normal filespace has the following naming:
   whereby the XX is actually the resp. user's UID modulo 100, i.e.
        let XX=$UID%100
3. The actual backup is done in 4 streams in parallel, i.e.
        stream A processes /afs/tu-bs.de/usr/usr0  ... /usr24
        stream B processes /afs/tu-bs.de/usr/usr25 ... /usr49
        stream C processes /afs/tu-bs.de/usr/usr50 ... /usr74
        stream D processes /afs/tu-bs.de/usr/usr75 ... /usr99 
   in a loop over the given range of "usrXX", checking wether the
   AFS-volume of the resp. user has been changed during the last 3 days.
4. This process works fine, i.e. we process all our AFS-USER-HOMES in 
   about 2-3 hours on an IBM H70, 1GB, 100MBit Ethernet

Now the problem
5. If a user tries to do a restore via a dsm/dsmafs-wrapper, which sets
   an environment-variable called USER_DIR, which is subsequently used
   in dsm.sys via
   and in dsm.opt 
        DOMAIN ${USER_DIR}
   the user is then presented with the ca. 20000 filespaces of user's
   he isn't interested in and finding HIS filespace is really not very 
   much fun.
6. If we create a 1-line "$HOME/.adsmrc" containing
   we can tell the user to use the "looking glas"-icon to start with
   the propper path in the "Find Files (Restore)"-window which makes
   life much easier.

Now my questions:

7. Is the time- AND resource-wasting build-up of the ca. 20000 presented
   filespaces necessary or is there a shortcut in just presenting the 
   requested filespace ( given by VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT / DOMAIN ) ?

8. The feature in 6. is undocumented. Please give Your comments on this.

Hope for some answer   
MfG / Ciao         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Dümpert                                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität       Fax  : ++49/531/391-5549
D 38092 Braunschweig                            Tel  : ++49/531/391-5535

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