The scheduler wizard on Windows 9x creates a .BAT file in the Startup
folder to launch sched95.exe.   sched95.exe imbeds the functionality of
dsmc schedule in a tray application. Witness the safe icon in the tray
which you may right-mouse-button click to see a popup menu allowing you to
stop or see the "about TSM scheduler" information.   This functionality was
developed in response to numerous customer requests--many users were simply
closing the command prompt window the launched dsmc sched or were confused
by the messages on shutdown that required a manual close of dsmc sched.

The command window you see with the title "Finished" that's requiring a
manual close is a bug that we hope to fix.  The fact that you cannot see
the countdown to next schedule when using the tray application is working
as designed.  sched95.exe is intended as a  set-it-and-forget-it
application.  I would submit that most novice users just want to have their
machine backed up without any intervention or awareness.  That being said,
if it rains fire on the listserv after I post this and a requirement is
submitted to add the time-to-next-schedule functionality into the tray
application,  we're certainly open to considering your needs.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

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