I am having a little problem with the last modification date not being
updated for an Access97 database residing on a Netware 4.11 server.

I had a user call up to get a .MDB file restored, but TSM showed that the
last backup date for that file was over 4-months ago. Looking at the last
modified date showed the same date as the last backup. The user says that
the file is changed on a daily basis. She demonstrated it by opening the
file in Access, changing some data and closing Access. The date was not

Has anyone seen this strange behavior before? We are looking at it as a
possibly Access97/Netware client issue. We are doing more testing with the
user to try and narrow it down. In the mean time I changed these files to a
management class with ABSOLUTE copy mode.

Bill Boyer
"Law of Cybernetic Entomology"
There is always one more bug. - ??

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