The residency you mention is in its final stages; you should be seeing the
fruits early next year.

In TSM 4.1.2, the client team focused on more automated backup and restore
of the system objects, i.e., the new domain for backup, the ability to
restore all of the system objects at once, etc.  Our next focus will be to
round out the support for system objects and try to provide inactive
support, management class support, backupset support.  I can't give you any
firm commitments, but this is what appears to be what is needed next for
the W2K system objects.

While there is neither support for inactive or policy for system objects at
this time, the redbook will cover a procedure to manually provide this
support by scripting the renaming the SYSTEM OBJECT file space.

Jim Smith
Windows 2000 Client Development team

In reply to:

Hello ,
does somebody know if there is some result from residency
ST-0456 Deploying Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows 2000 ?
I really appreciate some formal description of  W2K server restore
especialy in area of system objects and active directory.
I expected possibility of restore inactive version of system objects
in client 4.1.2 - unfortunately there is lack of ithis functionality . Is
planned ? Will be possible to use non-default management class
for system objects ?

Regards and happy christmas.

Petr Prerost

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