Hi colleagues,
Merry Christmas for everybody.
I have just installed the TSM server version 4.1 in
HP-UX. I have not too much knowledge in HP-UX, this is
important. I have a HP Surestore 6/60 connected by
fiber with the HP machine and when I try to define the
library I got :ANR8310E an I/O error occurred while
accessing library lib_name.The command that I used is
define library lib_name libt=scsi device=/dev/rmt/0m
I have several questions because I'm not sure if I can
do that.
The first one is :
I have only install the TIVsm software, and I cannot
identify if the advance device support and the drivers
for fiber are installed. Somebody can help me??
The second one is:
In the chapter 4 in the Administration Guide for
HP-UX. You can found a headline which speaks about "
Cofiguring Device Driver for Automated libraries".
Here speaks about spt, sctl and schgr SCSI
pass-through device drivers. who can help me about
this?. In addition how can I create the
/dev/tsm/library special file?
Merry Christams again, and Thank you in advance.
Regards , Fran

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