Today my server crashed when finishing off a successful

Server is running on AIX

Back in som early adsm-server there was a problem writing the
volume-history-information if the export node-command was too long (more
than 256 characters?)
This was fixed, and the limit is much higher now.
But what is the current limit?

The export-command that caused my crash today was 547 characters long.

The command-column in the sql-table volhistory is 2001 characters long,
and if the internal database-columns also should hold 2001 characters,
then I'm on the rong track..

However, the failing operation seems to be the write the

001229-074843:  ANR1361I Output volume EXP961 closed.
001229-074904:  ANR0617I EXPORT NODE: Processing completed with status SUCCESS.
001229-074904:  ANR0568W Session 51 for admin TOM (Server) terminated - connection 
with client
001229-074904:  severed.
001229-074904:  ANR0891I EXPORT NODE: Copied 3 optionset definitions.
001229-074904:  ANR0626I EXPORT NODE: Copied 9 node definitions.
001229-074904:  ANR0627I EXPORT NODE: Copied 30 file space 0 archive files, 530952 
001229-074904:  files, and 0 space managed files.
001229-074904:  ANR0630I EXPORT NODE: Copied 77117370 kilobytes of data.
001229-074904:  ANR0611I EXPORT NODE started by TOM as process 1 has ended.
001229-074904:  ANR4006I EXPORT NODE: Volume 1 written by process is EXP961.
001229-074907:  ANR7834S Thread 52 (tid 34bc) terminating on signal 11 (Segmentation 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR  0: 0x00000001,   1: 0x550e5e70,   2: 0xf0049e1c,   3: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR  4: 0x00000001,   5: 0x00000226,   6: 0x69747461,   7: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR  8: 0xd0299f20,   9: 0x6f0a0005,  10: 0x00008000,  11: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR 12: 0xf0044300,  13: 0x00000000,  14: 0x00000000,  15: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR 16: 0x00000000,  17: 0x00000000,  18: 0x00000000,  19: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR 20: 0x00000000,  21: 0x00000000,  22: 0x00000000,  23: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR 24: 0x00000000,  25: 0x00000000,  26: 0x00000223,  27: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S GPR 28: 0x550e6720,  29: 0x00000006,  30: 0x00000001,  31: 
001229-074907:  ANR7834S IAR: 0xd0180db4   LR: 0x1007b150   CONTEXT: 0x550e5af0
001229-074907:    0xD0180DB4 fwrite
001229-074907:    0x1007B150 WriteRecord
001229-074907:    0x1007E5FC icWriteVolumeHistory
001229-074907:    0x1007E738 icRefreshHistoryFiles
001229-074907:    0x104BDCB0 XiExport
001229-074907:    0x1000CE00 StartThread
001229-074907:    0xD011035C _pthread_body
001229-074907:  ANR7833S Server thread 1 terminated in response to program abort.
001229-074907:  ANR7833S Server thread 2 terminated in response to program abort.

Has anyone seen similar problems?

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