Although the clients can be downloaded for free, you are required to buy a
license for each client that is backed up.  IBM and Tivoli have never done a
good job of making this clear.  Some software providers either do not know this
or choose to ignore it when making proposals.

Mike Glassman - Admin wrote:

> Anyone,
> I have just been given an offer for our new in progress TSM system.
> The offer also includes clients for various OS's, such as Win9X, WinME,
> Win2K (WS) at a cost.
> I am a bit surprised at this, as I know I can dld the clients foe win32 for
> free of the TSM site, so is our peovider BS'sing us or are the clients now
> at cost as well as apposed the what they were in the past ?
> Mike Glassman
> System & Security Admin
> Israeli Airports Authority
> Ben-Gurion Airport
> Tel : 972-3-9710785
> Fax : 972-3-9710939
> Usage of this email address or any email address at for the
> purpose of sales pitches, SPAM or any other such unwanted garbage, is
> illegal, and any person, whether corporate or alone doing so, will be
> prosecuted to the fullest possible extent.

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