For this one I have an answer because we have done it here.

You asked:

That's of course a new question .....
What happens, when TSM is making an OFFSITE Reclamation, using the primary
tapes, and one of the primary Tapes is corrupt ?
Will the Reclamation Process fail ?
Will he then use the Copy-Volume with the Access=ReadWrite and will he change
his own opinion, that this volume is OFFSITE ??

Yes, the reclamation will fail in this case.  To fix you do the following.

1.  Try MOVE DATA on the tape that reclamation failed on (The primary tape in the 
library).  If that works then o.k. reclamation will work on next pass.

2.  If it is really bad and move data doesn't work then you do RESTORE VOLUME vol_name 
PREVIEW=YES.  (this will not actually do anything but tell you what copytapes are 
needed for the restore.  Look at actlog when this process finishes and see the list of 
tapes needed for restore, most will be offsite.)
(Also note one of these fine points:  If you get the tapes back say tomorrow then it 
is possible that some of the tapes have been totally expired and will not actually be 
needed.  You can do a PREVIEW again or just check them in anyway - won't hurt).

3.  Request these tapes from offsite, check them into library (I just do search=bulk) 
and ideally (may not always need to do this) change status of each one from offsite to 

4.  RESTORE VOLUME vol_name.  This will do actual restore.  This recreates the data 
that was on original primary tape to another primary tape.  Note that it will also 
mark original tape as desroyed.  (You should check this original tape out of library 
before the restore starts as it will be easier, I think.)

5.  Change status of these tapes back to offsite and check them out of library and 
send back offsite.

David B. Longo
Systems Administrator
Health First, Inc. I/T
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/09/01 03:58AM >>>

Hi David, Hi Fred,

1) David - We aren't using the DRM ....
2) Fred - Your approach would work, I'm sure.....  Because, when the OFFSITE
Reclamation (or Move Data) ends after hundreds of mounts, then the now empty
Volumes Status is EMPTY and afterwards they are used for new copies again. (And
suddenly TSM doesn't think that this Volume is still OFFSITE .... how
strange......he will use it again......)

But our intention is to free up (reclaim) the Copy-Volumes, when they reach a
Reclamation-Threshold of 60% ..... and so i don't understand the suggestion of
Fred - because how can I tell TSM that he should create new copies instead of
the old Ones, which are on the OFFSITE Volume xxxxxx ?? And: I don't want to
Delete the Volume with Discard=yes.... (in this case, he would create a new copy
- but what happens, when a Primary Tape is corrupted ? Data is lost....)

That's of course a new question .....
What happens, when TSM is making an OFFSITE Reclamation, using the primary
tapes, and one of the primary Tapes is corrupt ?
Will the Reclamation Process fail ?
Will he then use the Copy-Volume with the Access=ReadWrite and will he change
his own opinion, that this volume is OFFSITE ??

One more hint in this point of view:
I tried the following: Setting the Access Status of the Primary Pool to
UNAVAILABLE and Move-Data of a Volume, which has Status Read/Write and where TSM
is thinking that it's OFFSITE. So I "forced" him to use a Volume from the
Primary Pool, which is unavailable........and It's unbelievable, but even though
the Status is UNAVAILABE he is mounting and using a Tape of the unavailable
Primary Pool.......

-- Gerhard --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fred Johanson) am 08.01.2001 16:39:28

Bitte antworten an [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Kopie:     (Blindkopie: Gerhard Wolkerstorfer/DEBIS/EDVG/AT)
Thema:    Re: *SMs Thinking of OFFSITE Volumes ?

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