Welcome to the world of dueling hosts.....

...been there done that....

this condition is fixed by patching the mainframe.  Get a good
understanding of what happens during library insert mode with respect to
the hosts attached, then look for info on CBRUXENT.  This module is part of
OAM and provides an exit point for processing before tape entry into the
volcat.  We're using CA-1 on the mainframe and they (CA) supply their own
version of the module which looks in the CA-1 db for the tape being
inserted.  If the tape had not been defined in CA-1 the the exit sets a
return code which effectively bypasses checkin processing, which is where
the 000F or other categories get assigned.  Also be aware of the OS/390
LIBRARY RESET command as there are conditions where the CBRUXENT can get
disabled and then things seem to go whacky again.

You don't mention what platform your TSM server is on, and each one has a
library interface with varying capabilities.

You can not change category codes, eject tapes, etc from the library
manager console.

Hope this helps
Al Barth
Zurich Scudder Investments

                    Sergio Cherchyk                                                    
                    <scherchyk@BANCOR        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
                    IO.COM.AR>               cc:                                       
                    Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:     shared 3590                  
                    Dist Stor                                                          
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
                    01/25/01 09:46 AM                                                  
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                   

Hi all.

We recently included four new Magstar drives to an existent 3590 library
that is being used in our mainframe environment, to allow us use it also
with our TSM.

We connected and configured it and it seems to be ready for use, but I
cannot manage to check in any tape.

When I try to label  the volume ts0001 using
TSM prompts me to insert the volume into the library. When I do it, the
volume is assigned to the device category 000F (I configured the library
to have a device category of h012d for scratch volumes) and the label
command fails  with this message:

01/25/01 11:31:43     ANR8846E Volume TS0001 is assigned to a category
that does
                       not belong to library IBM-1.
01/25/01 11:31:43     ANR8802E LABEL LIBVOLUME process 641 for library

I tried to manually change the device category through the library
console but I didn't find how to do it (if it is possible at all).

Can anybody help me with this?

Thanks in advance

Sergio R. Cherchyk
Arquitectura Tecnológica - Midrange
Banco Río de la Plata S.A. - Grupo BSCH
Mire 480, 2do piso - 1036 Cap. Fed.
Tel. (054)-11-4341-1643
Fax. (054)-11-4341-1264

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