We have one TSM server that does nothing except UDB backups.   Our
is sp nodes (both tsm server and udb clients) with 3590 B drives, tsm
on aix
4.3.3, udb eee 7.1.

18 megs/sec/drive is what we see for udb data backups ...using using 4 drives
we get
an aggregate total of 72 megs/second.  This compares quite favourably to
we've experienced using ReelBackup (on Pyramid with Oracle) and NetBackup (on
SP nodes with Oracle).  When we do these backups, we go straight to tape, as we
normally do hundreds of gigs at once, and there's no point in staging these
objects to dasd.

While our backup sessions are running, we use the following tsm script to total
up our
throughput rate for all  (note that since there are no sessions -other than-
udb, this works
ok for us...you might need to select which sessions you want to total):

/*  -----------------------------------------*/
/*  Script Name:  total_SES_STATS            */
/*  Description: total                       */
/*               send and receive            */
/*               throughput for active       */
/*               sessions                    */
/*  Parameter:   none                        */
/*  Example:  run total_ses_stats            */
/*  -----------------------------------------*/
select sum((cast(bytes_sent as decimal(18,0)) / -
  cast((current_timestamp-start_time)seconds as -
  decimal(18,0)))) "Bytes sent/second",-
  sum((cast(bytes_received as decimal(18,0)) / -
  cast((current_timestamp-start_time)seconds as -
  decimal(18,0)))) "Bytes received/second" -
  from sessions where -
  cast((current_timestamp-start_time)seconds -
  as decimal) > 0

I hope this helps.....
John R. Snyder
TDit/Canada Trust

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