See output below:

Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\HC- N\hcn pfu and gc\HCN pfu and
gc\pfu\PFU3F9' contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid.
Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\li- ning cells\lcfor 18s\SBLCS25T7'
contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid.

Original Location
data\lining cells\lcfor 18s
data\HCN\hcn pfu and gc\HCN pfu and gc\pfu

You  will notice fro the above that TSM has changed the folder names for HCN and
lining  cells  on  the restore. I have logged a call with Tivoli support. In the
meantime I was wondering if anyone has a clue about how this could happen.

I  have  performed  another back /restore and it all worked ok. I even performed
one  with  the  changed  folder names to establish if TSM could pick up a folder
name with those characters. All went well.

I  have the feeling this is just a fluke. It's not that serious as this was just
a  test.  My  worry  is, it happened once so it could happen again in a non test



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