Hello ADSM co-workers

I am running ADSM on a NSM C00. We have a disk storage pool called
INCDISK with the high threshold set to 70 and the low set to 30. Our main
clients are SQL servers. All clients backup to the SQLFLAT backup copy group
which is tied to the INCDISK storage pool. The INCDISK storage pool will
migrate to the INCTAPE storage pool when necessary.

The issue that I have observed is that when the %utilised went over the 70%
high threshold then migration did not kick in. I waited until the %utilised
reached 92% and still migration did not occur. Query mount showed all drives
had tapes mounted, but when I queried the activity log to try and understand
what had mounted these volumes I could not come to and solid conclusion.
However I do suspect that restore operations where the culprit. This was
further backed up by entries informing me that earlier migration processes
had been pre-empted. I eventually dismounted the volumes half expecting
migration to kick in, but it didn't. I eventually got migration to work by
lowering both thresholds to 0.

What I am not too sure about is whether migration is actually pre-empted by
a restore operation. If this is the case then surly this is wrong. Surely
migration is more important as this is the safety valve before the storage
pool reaches 100%. Does anybody know the order of precedence for

Can anybody confirm or add to me conclusions. Thanks for your time.

Neil Sharp
Merrill Lynch ADSM/TSM Administrator
Work : 020-7573-0469
Mobile : 07769-741612
Pager : 01893-038277

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