I am planning to migrate my ADSM server to a new Server running TSM.
ADSM RS/6000 R20 (IBM 3466 B03) 3494 Library 3590 B1A drives- OLD
TSM 3.7 RS/6000 H70 (IBM 3466 C01) - 3494 Library 3590 E1A drives - NEW SERVER
AND NEW 3494
Here is my basic plan:
     From the old server:
1. Copy devconfig and volhist. Record db and log size from q log and q db
2. Initiate a full db backup then eject from library / insert in new Library
     From the new server:
1. Restore devconfig and volhist.
2. Format the db and log via:
     dsmserv format 1 <logname> sizeinMB 1 <dbname> sizeinMB
3. Restore the db via:
     dsmserv restore db todate=<todays date>
 From what I have read I will not have to do a upgrade db because when running
on AIX this is done automatically.
4. Move all the tapes from the old 3494 to the new 3494.

The part I am not sure of is the format db command.  Is this necessary if I'm
doing a restore db?
How can I find out what my database name and recovery log name is?
This is the output from q logvol:
Volume Name       Copy    Volume Name       Copy    Volume Name       Copy
(Copy 1)          Status  (Copy 2)          Status  (Copy 3)          Status
----------------  ------  ----------------  ------  ----------------  ------
/lgaa1dk2/lg      Sync'd  /lgaa1dk6/lg      Sync'd                    Undef-

This is the output from q log:
Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct  Max.
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util   Pct
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                  Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
    1,980    1,980         0     1,976   4,096   506,368       215   0.0   1.1

(Courier New and Font 10 will make the q log,logvol look normal)

Would the command be:    dsmserv format db 1 lgaa1dk2 1980 1 <db> <size>?
Would I have to issue this command for each recovery log volume and each db
I think I'm missing something here... I've spent hours searching the list and
reading the adsm guides but I am
still unsure..  I'm a new adsmer, sorry for the "dumb" questions..
Thanks in advance,

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