I did a trace for Tivoli Support and they were able to recreate the problem there. 
They are opening an APAR and suggested that I use the command line from the ADSM 
3.1.08 client to restore the files  for now. They are supposed to call back tomorrow 
with more details. I'll let you guys know what I find out.


Kim McCubbin

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/12/01 04:40PM >>>
I have been backing up Mac files on NT servers since the ADSM 3.1 days.
This has been one of those problems that has been fixed and resurfaced
many times throughout my upgrade processes.  I am currently at 4.1.2 and
the recent problems with that client code also affected many of my Mac
files, but all things are now fixed again with  The cycle seems

In my experience, this really depends on the version of client code that
resides on the box with the Mac files.  Once I reached the 3.7 levels,
just changing client levels either fixed or broke the ability to backup
Mac files correctly.  I didn't record specific code levels or combinations
that did or didn't work correctly, so I can't help much with your levels.
I would try changing to a different client code level on the box with the
Mac files and also make sure you have the "useunicodef yes" in your
client's options files.

    John Monahan
    Network Team Coordinator
    Liberty Diversified Industries
    (763) 536-6677

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/12/01 08:38 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Missing MAC Headers after upgrading to Tivoli

We have Mac users that copy files onto an NT Server. The NT Server is
backed up by Tivoli. All older Mac files that were backed up by ADSM have
now lost there MAC header (they are shown as PC files now). Mac doesn't
recognize the files unless the user adds a file extension to the filename.
Thousands of files have been corrupted. Has anyone seen a similar problem
after upgrading? Does anyone know of a fix? I currently have a PMR open
with Tivoli Support. I opened the ticket last week and the support guy
told me that the files must have been touched by a PC somewhere along the
way. This is not the case, the files were fine before the upgrade. All new
files that are put on the MAC Volume of the NT server are fine when backed
up by Tivoli. Something must have happened to the older files when we
upgraded to Tivoli.

Here's our environment:
Mac user copies files to mounted Mac Volume on NT 4.0 Service Pack 6
server running Tivoli client The NT server gets backed up by
Tivoli running on AIX 4.3.2 server. The files go straight to 3494
tape library and are kept on tape for 26 months.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Kim McCubbin
502-955-8989 ext. 2122

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