
Yes.  Archive is not using the Include-Exclude list.


Gerrit van Zyl wrote:
> Hi all TSM'ers,
> TSM Client on NT
> TSM Server on AIX
> I have the following scenario and hope someone can explain this to me.
> When archiving we get the following:
> 03/11/2001 03:54:57  ANE4952I (Session: 7758, Node: NTSRV01)  Total
> number of objects inspected:  461,739
> 03/11/2001 03:54:57  ANE4953I (Session: 7758, Node: NTSRV01)  Total
> number of objects archived:   411,368
> When we do a incremental backup we get the following:
> 03/12/2001 22:57:23  ANE4952I (Session: 8193, Node: NTSRV01)  Total
> number of objects inspected:  410,653
> 03/12/2001 22:57:23  ANE4954I (Session: 8193, Node: NTSRV01)  Total
> number of objects backed up:    3,414
> Why is there suce a huge difference between objects inspected in the two
> cases (50000 objects)?  The files were not deleted!!  This is the same
> everytime.
> Is archiving inspecting files differently than incremental backup?
> Thanks and regards.
> Gerrit van Zyl
> IT Consultant
> Faritec (Pty) Ltd

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