Q libv only shows tapes that are in your library - once DRM spits the tape
out, it won't show up there.

Q vol only shows tapes that are in storage pools.

Your tape is some other type, probably a data base backup tape (since DRM
spits those out along with the copy pool tapes, by default.)

Non-storage pool tapes are defined in the volume history file.

Try this:  q volhist type=dbb

It will show up there if it's a data base backup tape.
But don't try to check it in or get it back; a DBB tape should go offsite
along with your copy pool tapes.  They are worthless without a data base

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 2:23 PM

TSM spit out a tape this morning with it's DRM offsite tapes. I can not
find where it is defined to our server by doing a q libv or a q vol. When I
try to check it in or redefine it to the server it says that it is already
defined or that it contains export data. What does this mean? How do I get
this tape back? Are there any SQL Select commands I can run to help me out?

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