>I was looking through some of our logs when I noticed a large chunk of
>numbers missing from our volume definitions (we have a 3590 automated
>library). I went to the tape robot's console and performed a search for one
>of these "missing tapes" and sure enough it found it (I then opened the
>door and physically found the tape). Now what do I do to get those tapes
>back in the Tivoli library? I've run a checkin libvol search=yes (not the
>syntax, but you get the point) and it finished successfully but the tapes
>were not found by Tivoli. Need some help here guys.... I don't know what
>happened when the tapes originally got here, it was before my time.

Steve - You should not take action on those tapes until you determine what
        happened to them: get the whole story first.  Look back in your
Activity Log archives, as far back as necessary until you find them.
(Note: It is wise to keep archival copies of the Activity Log for about a
 year. We keep a month's worth in the TSM db, and keep captured old months
 for five years, in HSM.)
If you have DRM, don't overlook what it may have done with these tapes.

You didn't specify exactly what kind of 3590-drives library you have
(autoloader? 3494?).  If a 3494, you can use the mtlib command to inquire
as to category codes (see http://people.bu.edu/rbs/ADSM.QuickFacts for
variations on mtlib commands) and then change them - if warranted - so that
Checkin will accept them as being in Insert category.

Again, there may be a very good reason for the current state of the tapes, so
take your time in pursuing the mystery.

  Richard Sims, BU

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