You can set mount retention to 0.
I don't know of any reason not to, in a robotic library.

-----Original Message-----
From: Poehlman, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: Export Node Mount Waits

TO  *SMers - All,
New to this so please bear with.

TSM Server IBM RS6000 R50  2 Procs 1GB ram
AIX 4.3.3 MNT_lev 004
TSM Server Version 3.7.2
Library IBM3575 - L12 2 drives - NOT XL
No disk pools.
All pools sequential to 3575.

Export node every weekend - active files for client node.
(WHY? - Company Policy requires weekly full backups of this
client to go off site.)
This is in addition to daily incremental to the primary storage pool.
  395,963 items
  160,980,891,020 bytes.
Copies active files from 71 sources tapes (2 storage pools) to 15 output
Starts 0300 Saturday morning and runs until Sunday Afternoon.

Export node waits for retention timeout on source tape before
unmounting it and mounting the next source tape.  With a 5 minute
mount retention this wastes almost 3.5 hours. Even with 1 minute
retention wastes way over 1 hour.  I have other thing that need to
happen over the weekend that also need these drives.

Is there a way around this?  Is there a fix for it?
Is there a better way to get a set of offsite tapes for
the active files for the node without doing a selective
backup to new storage pool?
Please don't mention backup sets.  Also, please don't tell
me I need more drives.  Upgrade request for them has been in the
works, for more than 6 months along with upgrade to a L18.
These systems are orphans, so to speak.  Upper management does
not like to spend money on them. Another story.

Thanks to all,

James D. Poehlman (Denny)
AIX / Unix Systems Administrator
Senior Technical Specialist
Mid-Range Server Technology Team
Black and Decker
North American Power Tools - Information Systems
Voice 410-716-3039
Cell  410-375-5974

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