>Richard Sims ...
>How do YOU perceive implementing a "neutral" archive format
>given that most storage formats vary from platform to platform
>anyway (e.g., MVS to AIX), and sometimes from one drive architecture
>to another, because of changes in recording density, etc ?

Ray - I think that one has to approach the long-term archiving of electronic
      records in stages of practicality, and considering the longevity of
the data.  Other postings on the issue suggested what amounts to performing
an "export" of data that is stored in highly structured (database) vehicles,
and in general making an image external to proprietary storage vehicles (e.g.,
TSM).  This is to say that the format of the data is rendered "neutral",
toward the objective of either being able to later reintroduce it into a
contemporary storage and retrieval vehicle, or to be able to use the data
as-is in its "flat" form, though perhaps in a limited manner.

In addition to making the data "neutral", one has to house it in media
commensurate with the objective of long-term storage and retrieval.  That
calls for the qualities of media stability, and pervasive standardization so
as to maximize the availability of playback mechanisms.  CD-R is a current
technology which well fulfills both requirements.  However, no media is
forever.  For very long term storage, I would refer to a statement in one
paper on the issue: "Digital preservation depends upon copying."  That is,
as the media technology approaches its twilight, the data needs to be
transferred to the comparable media of its day.

Certainly we are not pathfinders in this issue.  Here are some references to
just a few of the sites, postings, and papers on the long-term storage of
electronic records:


  Richard Sims, BU

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