Ahhh but notice this little problem
I've tried everything to get the volume free'd up, I've deleted everything I
but the little bugger just hangs in there...
tsm: TSMSRV07>q backupset
ANR2034E QUERY BACKUPSET: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: TSMSRV07>q volhist t=backupset

       Date/Time: 03/22/00   12:23:29
     Volume Type: BACKUPSET
   Backup Series:
Backup Operation:
      Volume Seq: 1
    Device Class: 3590DEVC
     Volume Name: AAF002
 Volume Location:
         Command: generate backupset ggmaix test devc=3590devc

tsm: TSMSRV07>q libvol * aaf002

Library Name   Volume Name   Status       Owner        Last Use    Home
------------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------
TSM3494LIB7    AAF002        Private

tsm: TSMSRV07>
tsm: TSMSRV07>q node ggmaix
ANR2034E QUERY NODE: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: TSMSRV07>
tsm: TSMSRV07>q vol aaf002
ANR2034E QUERY VOLUME: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: TSMSRV07>
tsm: TSMSRV07>del backupset ggmaix test begind=-9999 endd=today
ANR2034E DELETE BACKUPSET: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: TSMSRV07>del backupset * * begind=-999 endd=today
ANR2034E DELETE BACKUPSET: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: TSMSRV07>del volhist t=all tod=-5

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes/No) y
ANR2467I DELETE VOLHISTORY: 0 sequential volume history entries were
successfully deleted.  (I already did this yesterday)

tsm: TSMSRV07>q volhist t=backupset

       Date/Time: 03/22/00   12:23:29
     Volume Type: BACKUPSET
   Backup Series:
Backup Operation:
      Volume Seq: 1
    Device Class: 3590DEVC
     Volume Name: AAF002
 Volume Location:
         Command: generate backupset ggmaix test devc=3590devc

tsm: TSMSRV07>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: Error in Backupset Expiration

"Cook, Dwight E" wrote:
> Oh, this is a HOOT !
> you may do a "q volhist t=backupset"
> but you may NOT do a "del volhist t=backupset ..."
> you can see'em but you can't delete'em !
> (unless you purge everything...)

It's not quite a big a HOOT! as you might think.

        DEL BACKUPSET BEGIND=<sometime_in_the_distant_past> ENDDATE=-14

(If you want to keep 14 days' worth of backupsets.)

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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