Just finished upgrading to AIX 4.1.2 Server & on my NT servers I am having a
problem with excludes that used to work on 3.1.  I am using client version
4.1.2  These are the 2 files on one of my servers but this is happening on a
lot them.  I am also using a client option set.
Here are the options I have defined:
Exclude *:\WINNT\system32\asat0*.tmp
Exclude *:\apps\mrswin\DB\Mrs.log
Here are the errors:
04/10/01 13:18:40 ANE4987E (Session: 892, Node: CANCERDATA_NT40) Error
processing '\\cancerdata_nt40\d$\apps\mrswin\DB \MRS.LOG': the object is in
use by another process 04/10/01 13:19:10
ANE4987E (Session: 892, Node: CANCERDATA_NT40) Error processing
'\\cancerdata_nt40\c$\WINNT\system32 \asat0004.tmp': the object is in use by
another process
I set these up manually & also using the setup wizard through the backup
client.  Tried using with & with out quotes.  Tried using *:\winnt &
D:\winnt.  All producing the same results.....

Bruce Kamp
Network Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954)987-2020 x4542
F: (954)985-1404

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