Hi ,

Can I also create this 'flatfile' on a AIX system ( server-a ) 
 and restore the server on a Solaris system ( server-b ) ?

I would like to use this solaris-adsm/tsm- server only for a quick restore 
of data previously backed up on server-a which uses copy-Storagepools 
via server-server on a third system- (server-c)  and I don't want to use 
this solaris system for backup, because it only has disks and no library 
... someone using such a configuration -or is this quite anomalous ?

( Szenario : server-a and Clients from this server-a 
        (with 'client-data-copys-send-to-server-c' ) 
are completely destroyed - then trying to restore latest 
active backups for the Clients as fast as possible on server-b using
just the copy from server-c )  

Thanks in advance  for any hints !


"Cook, Dwight E" wrote:
> Sure, to move an adsm environment across town where I was a few states away
> and didn't want to fly in for a half day...
> define a device class of "FILE" and use it to backup the DB.
> I did a full, then FTP'ed it over to a new machine that was to become the
> server... as soon as I got the full FTP'ed over I did a restore with
> commit=no, then I locked out clients, did an incremental, FTP'ed that one
> over, did a restore with commit=yes and started up TSM.  (while I was doing
> that the DNS folks were doing there thing, then the clients just had to
> bounce their schedulers...)
> >>-DEFine DEVclass--device_class_name----DEVType--=--FILE------->
>       .-MOUNTLimit--=--1----------------.
> >-----+---------------------------------+----------------------->
>       '-MOUNTLimit--=--mountlimitvalue--'
>       .-MAXCAPacity--=--4M----.
> >-----+-----------------------+--------------------------------->
>       '-MAXCAPacity--=--size--'
>       .-DIRectory--=--current_directory_name--.
> >-----+---------------------------------------+----------------><
>       '-DIRectory--=--directory_name----------'
> so something like
> def devc FLATFILE devt=file maxcap=4096M dir=/usr/adsm/flatfile
> then just use it like
> backup db t=f s=y dev=flatfile
> and it will create a file in /usr/adsm/flatfile
> to automatically get rid of the file in that directory, do like you would
> normally... del volhist t=dbb tod=-x and any db backup files in
> /usr/adsm/flatfile older than "x" will be deleted...
> Dwight
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zosimo Noriega (ADNOC IS&T) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 1:10 AM
> Subject: ADSM database backup to a file.
> Hi everyone,
> Can i backup my adsm db into a file because i usually backed up into tapes
> using the devclass.
> if possible, please provide the commands or steps how to do it and how to
> restore it.
> thanks,
> zosi


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards
Rainer Wolf

 Rainer Wolf                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Tel: 0731-50-22482           Fax: 0731-50-22471           
 University of Ulm            http://www.uni-ulm.de/urz                    
 University Computing Center  Albert-Einstein-Allee 11   
 AG Basissysteme              89069 Ulm

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