We are having problems with our DBsize and Recovery Log size. We are in a
disk crunch.  So I have been looking for ways to reduce the # of files that
our DB and Recover Log file keeps track of.

Our OnSitePool and our OffSite pool are almost idential in the number of
files that are contained in them.  We use this pool for DRM.  My thought is
that if we TRULY have a DR situation we need only provide the last ACTIVE
files to our clients.   I do not think that we need to provide 18
generations of data files to our company is not producing our product!
Therefore, if I could only produce offsitepool information that contained
the last active file it would reduce the number of tapes useds, reduce the
# of files managed, etc. and maybe help us

Anyone know if this could be done or not or have any workarounds that would
still fit into a DRM scenario?

Diana Cline
Ross Products Division
614 / 624-3788

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