Have a look at:

Cheers, Suad

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 09:56:47PM -0700, Dwight Wood wrote:
> Hi everyone, I have searched the archives and found only a few postings
> about the pay scale of ADSM/TSM Admins. But I didn't see any numbers out
> there in the reply responses. So I am hoping that everyone out there can
> assist me with this one.
> I have been working with ADSM for 2 1/2 years, the last 1 1/2 has been full
> time. I feel it is time for a raise, but HR doesn't because they say that
> they have nothing to compare my position to. So I have been asked to dig up
> some real numbers in order to justify an increase. So the question is "What
> is everyone making?" Actually, I am looking for pay scales, a low-end and
> high-end, not your exact annual pay. I don't need detailed job descriptions,
> just a pay scale range, what area of the country/world you live in and
> whether or not you are full time with ADSM. If you are not full time, what
> would be your other main responsibility?
> Thanks in advance for everyone's assistance with this!
> I realize that some of you might not want this info displayed on the list,
> so feel free to send your response to me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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