>I have trouble with LTO 3583 library and TSM 4.1.3 in AIX 4.3.3.

>I installed the device driver for 3583 drive and library to AIX system (from
>original install CD) and try to configure it with TSM 4.1.3. In AIX system
>appears this device like /dev/rmt0 (drive) and /dev/smc0 (robot). I decide to
>use it in TSM like automated library (SCSI type) and automated drive (element
>number for drive set up to 256 according to LTO Setup and Operator Guide -
>this is single slot I/O statin library with one drive (A), so that drive
>element number for drive is 256 (100h) / i think). That I create TSM library,
>drive, deviceclass and link created tape storage pool to it.

>Now when I use TSM command CHECKIN LIBVOLUME, result was that all volumes in
>library was labelled, but every volume generate message:
> ANR8311E An I/O error occurred while accessing drive LTODRV1 (/dev/rmt0) for
>          READ operation, errno = 5
>and at the end of process (although its complete status was SUCCESS - 6
>volumes labelled) was message
> ANR8779E Unable to open drive /dev/rmt0, error number=46
>Command AUDIT LIBRARY also generate message ANR8311E.
>I'm not so expiirienced in AIX OS, so that i don't know, why TSM cannot
>access the drive for read operation although can label tape volume.  Please
>try anybody to help me.
> << Note1: I tried to configure LTO devices like TSM devices through SMIT
> (befor I install atape.driver fot LTO to AIX system), like TSM-SCSI-LIB and
> TSM-SCSI-MT, but without success, there was some error messages, so I decide
> to use device driver for AIX and in TSM use it like SCSI Automated library
> and drive with link to AIX device /dev/rmt0 and /dev/smc0 .... can anybody
> tell me if it was mistake? >>
> << Note2: I apply TSM 4.1.3 patch for AIX server (IP22261-66) succesfully >>

Tom - Note that the 4.1.3 server README file contains info on using LTO with
      TSM ($$1 Support for IBM LTO Ultrium (358x) devices).
Errno 46 is Device Not Ready.  Are you certain that the library and drive
are in a ready condition?
You said that you installed the device driver from the CD.  The 3583 Setup
manual recommends against this: you should follow the TSM recommendations
in the server README.  You would probably do well to compare your driver
level with that in the IBM FTP site, as yours may be too downlevel for
TSM 4.1.3.  I'd also recommend re-checking the element number.

  Richard Sims, BU

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