
No.  You will have to have the shares. The Exchange API
"tells" TDP for Exchange the exact path to restore a file to.
And since everything is UNC and RPC when it comes to Exchange,
the Exchange API specifies that path in the form of a
UNC name and a local admin share.

Are you certain the backups are working without the shares?
The backup API also uses the admin shares to open and
read the files during backup...

But, regardless, those shares must be there in order to
restore properly. There may be some way to "mess" around
with the registry.... but I would not recommend it.

Any third party backup product that uses the
official Exchange backup/restore API should have
this same problem.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away."  -- Bono

                    "Warren, Matthew
                    James"                    To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <matthewjames.warre       cc:
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Subject:     MSExchange restore failes 
when Admin shares not
                    Sent by: "ADSM:            available
                    Dist Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    04/26/2001 07:01 AM
                    Please respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

Hello TSM'ers

We have a problem when we are trying to restore MSExchange backups.

We can take the backup without the administrative shares being available on
the client node, but when we come to restore the backup we get the

ACN4215E Failure to open file during restore operation.

We are able to perform the restore if we enable the administrative shares
the target machine, but the security policy of this account prevents us
having the admin shares available.

Does anyone know of a workaround for this?




Matthew Warren.          GZPTXW

EDS Core Infrastructure,

UK Technical Services Group,

Wavendon Tower, Milton Keynes.



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