You can specify 'compressalways yes', which will prevent the retry.  However, 
you then have to live with the fact that the file is expanded in TSM storage.

I believe this problem does not apply to LZ4 compression, introduced with the 
latest clients when backing up to a container pool and using dedup.

At 08:57 AM 6/30/2016, you wrote:
>I have been watching an initial TSM backup running for a long time now over
>a WAN connection (100mbit/sec) and I keep seeing "compressed data grew"
>followed  by a "Retry".  Does this mean that for every file that
>compression increased the size (even 1%) the whole transfer is discarded
>and it starts over again with the same file (presumably with compression
>disabled)?  If so that is probably hurting my backup speed much more than
>the compression ever improved it.  Is there any way to prevent this short
>of adding one of these options for every type of compressible file?

Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Assistant Director for Storage Services   Fx: 607-255-8521
IT at Cornell / Infrastructure            Em:
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801

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