We rename our rmt devices, using a script called tsmchrmt, which uses part of 
the wwn and lun_id to rename the rmt device.  That way the same drive has the 
same name on all of the AIX systems that have access to it.

>if [ $# != 1 ]
>  /bin/echo "must specify 1 rmt device name as an argument."
>  exit 4
>WWN=`/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $d -a ww_name|/bin/cut -f2 -d" "|/bin/cut -c15-`
>LUN=`/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $d -a lun_id|/bin/cut -f2 -d" "|/bin/cut -c3`
>root=`/bin/echo $d|/bin/cut -c1-3`
>let "j=0"
>while [[ -e /dev/$new_name ]]
>        let "j=j+1"
>        new_name=$root.$WWN.$LUN.$j
>/usr/sbin/chdev -l $d -a new_name=$new_name

At 02:31 PM 7/8/2016, Rhodes, Richard L. wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I'm wondering how others handle lining up tape paths of multiple TSM servers 
>in a library sharing environment.
>We have a TSM library sharing environment across our TSM instances for sharing 
>our two 3584 libraries.  One 3584 at each datacenter with a dedicate TSm 
>instance for the library manager.
>Currently I have a script that crawls through all TSM instances, gets the wwn 
>of each rmt device (lsattr -El rmtX), lines up all the wwn/rmt# for a drive 
>and creates TSM path commands.  Kind of brute force, but has worked very well 
>over the years.  I can create path cmds for everything in about 15m.  But, 
>this means that a particular drive can have many different rmtX devices across 
>our TSM servers.
>A while ago I learned that you can rename a rmtX device (rendev -l rmtX -n 
>rmtY).  I've been thinking about a new system where I rename the rmtX devices 
>on each AIX lpar to a common name.
>For example:  If a particular lpar has rmt1 which is our "a" 3584, and the 
>drive is frame 1 drive 1, then I could call it rmta11.  There is atape 
>involved with multi paths, so there  would also be -pri and -alt versions of 
>the name somehow.  So this particular drive would have the same AIX device 
>name across all AIX lpars.
>So, I'm curious . . . What do you do to line up rmt devices?
>Do you rename rmt devices to a common name, or, line up the many different rmt 
>If you rename rmt devices, what issues/problems have you worked through?
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Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Assistant Director for Storage Services   Fx: 607-255-8521
IT at Cornell / Infrastructure            Em: p...@cornell.edu
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801

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