Patrick, I believe just because you check them out of the library doesn't
mean that TSM forgets about them. The information about those tapes and
whats on them still resides in the database with a status of "unavailable".
When you checkin the new tapes, depending upon what they are I.E. Scratch,
or Private, you also need to update their status to "available" so TSM can
use them at a later date for restores, space reclaimation, etc.


Darryl Ousterhout
Operations Specialist
Lab Safety Supply

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Sheehan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: checkin,checkout

Hello All

Checking out and then checking in of a new set of tapes to a library
appears to take no effect. I check out all the tapes (I have a Compaq
auto-loader with 10 tape cap. and barcode reader) and then checkin the new
ones yet when I do a q libvol it still shows the old ones. I'm still
learning this so it's probably user error but I would think it should have
worked this way. Any help is much appreciated.



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