Fabio, your idea is not as crazy as you think. TSM and Spectrum Protect have an option available that allows you to use disk as a reclamation area. This is from the manual:
RECLAIMSTGpool Specifies another primary storage pool as a target for reclaimed data from this storage pool. This parameter is optional. When the server reclaims volumes for he storage pool, the server moves unexpired data from the volumes that are being reclaimed to the storage pool named with this parameter. A reclaim storage pool is most useful for a storage pool that has only one drive in its library. When you specify this parameter, the server moves all data from reclaimed volumes to the reclaim storage pool regardless of the number of drives in the library. To move data from the reclaim storage pool back to the original storage pool, use the storage pool hierarchy. Specify the original storage pool as the next storage pool for the reclaim storage pool. You would need to create a new primary storage pool (device class file), then update your current tape storage pool with the RECLAIMSTG=<new stgpool name> and you will be able to perform reclamations. As a FYI, the data that goes into that reclamation stgpool WILL NOT automatically move the data back to your tape pool, you will have to do a move data command or setup up the tape pool as your next stgpool when you create the new stgpool. Hope this helps, you might think about purchasing more tape drives or start using your data domain appliances as a tape library. Best Regards, _________________________________________________________ Ronald C. Delaware IBM IT Plus Certified Specialist - Expert IBM Corporation | System Lab Services IBM Certified Solutions Advisor - Spectrum Storage IBM Certified Spectrum Scale 4.1 & Spectrum Protect 7.1.3 IBM Certified Cloud Object Storage (Cleversafe) Open Group IT Certified - Masters 916-458-5726 (Office) 925-457-9221 (cell phone) email: ron.delaw...@us.ibm.com Storage Services Offerings From: Fábio Chicout <fabio.chic...@ufpe.br> To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Date: 09/21/2016 08:07 AM Subject: [ADSM-L] Broken Drive Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> Hi, there! I've got a broken drive here and my tape library is working only with 1 drive (a IBM TS3200). As it's only with 1 drive, all reclamation is failing. Me and my team had a (very) crazy idea on using a VTL as a second drive to make (eventual, not scheduled) reclamation, while we're working on fix the tape library. My questions: - Is it possible? - If so, what is the best way to achieve? Att, --