Hello.  Has anyone seen these errors when replicating a particular node?

07/05/2017 13:41:22  ANR8340I FILE volume C:\TSMDIR\ORACLE_PRIM7\01706FDD.BFS   
mounted. (SESSION: 47845, PROCESS: 1310)
07/05/2017 13:41:22  ANR0513I Process 1310 opened output volume  
07/05/2017 13:42:45  ANR0444W Protocol error on session 47845 for node 
TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) - out-of-sequence verb (type
                      BackInsNormEnhanced) received. (SESSION: 47845, PROCESS: 
07/05/2017 13:42:47  ANR0515I Process 1310 closed volume 
07/05/2017 13:42:47  ANR0484W Session 47845 for node TSMPOK_SERVER1 (Windows) 
terminated - protocol violation detected. (SESSION:
                      47845, PROCESS: 1310)

I googled the ANR errors and it has:

Protocol error on session session number for node client node name (client 
platform) - out-of-sequence verb (type verb name) received.
The server detects a protocol error on the specified session because a verb has 
been received that does not adhere to the client-server exchange sequence.
System action
The server ends the client session.
User response
If the client generating the error is not an API client, contact your service 
representative. If the client generating the error is an API client, contact 
the owner of the API client. If the client generating the error is a client 
that you have created using WDSF verbs, correct the programming error in your 
client program.
Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - 
protocol violation detected.
The server ends the specified session because a communications protocol error 
by the client has been detected.
System action
The server ends the client session.
User response
Examine the client message to determine the problem. Correct the programming 
error in the client program. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved, 
contact your service representative.
If this session is a proxied LAN-Free session for a storage agent, this error 
may be the result of a mount point or volume preemption on the storage agent. 
Review the messages logged by the storage agent to determine if a storage agent 
action caused this to occur.

The node is a linux box, and I'm not sure if it's an API client.  And for the 
other ANR error, it's not a proxied LAN-free session.

I did an audit on the volume in question and it resulted in error:

07/05/2017 16:36:18  ANR2326W Audit volume process terminated for volume  
C:\TSMDIR\ORACLE_PRIM7\01706FDD.BFS - lock conflict detected. (SESSION: 47860, 
PROCESS: 1311)
07/05/2017 16:36:18  ANR0987I Process 1311 for AUDIT VOLUME (REPAIR) running in 
the BACKGROUND processed 789,515 items with a completion
                      state of FAILURE at 16:36:18. (SESSION: 47860, PROCESS:   
07/05/2017 16:36:18  ANR1893E Process 1311 for AUDIT VOLUME (REPAIR) completed 
with a completion state of FAILURE. (SESSION: 47860, PROCESS: 1311)


This node is replicated within a nodegroup which contains 4 other linux nodes 
and they replicate fine.   And the volume in question contains files from the 
other linux nodes.

Any thoughts, help, insight is greatly appreciated.

Jeannie Bruno
Senior Systems Analyst
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
(845) 486-5780
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