Hi all

This is a big issue for me.

We run linux datamovers to back up our VMWare vms.  Passexp is set to zero, 
but, for some reason every so often the password tries to change.  It does this 
in the middle of a VE Schedule and all subsequent backups for that schedule 
fail with a security error ( sorry I have no detail at the moment).  We reset 
the node password and recycle the dsmcad and its solved until next time.

I have not subbed a support ticket as it is intermittent and not reproducible 
on demand and also because the likely fix would be to update the client and we 
are wedged by backlevel vcenter and certain bugs at the current client version. 
Server is 7.1.1 client is 7.1.2 with VE at 7.1.1.  


Steven Harris
TSM Admin/Consultant
Canberra Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Skylar 
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September 2017 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Automatic password change gets lost between server and 

We've had this issue intermittently as well, but not often enough to spend time 
tracking it down. We just have an alert that makes a ticket if an ANR0424W 
message is seen in the TSM server activity log.

On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 05:06:54PM +0000, Lee, Gary wrote:
> Had it with a linux client last week.
> Only twice now in two years, and no apparent pattern.
> This time 6.3.0 client with server.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf 
> Of Sasa Drnjevic
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 12:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Automatic password change gets lost between 
> server and client
> Yes, I've seen that, and if I can remember correctly, it happens 
> sometimes, but only on Windows servers.
> Did not find the answer...Updated password on the Win client, and that 
> was it...
> Regards.
> --
> Sasa Drnjevic
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.srce.unizg.hr&d
> ata=02%7C01%7Cglee%40BSU.EDU%7C2f7c63f465c94719a09608d4ff7c3f80%7C6fff
> 909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C636414356483419375&sdata=zN5rPt
> Nhvk%2BC4wN5CvKL3ndER9h94UEZX%2FSOhJeyCmA%3D&reserved=0
> On 2017-09-19 17:50, Zoltan Forray wrote:
> > Last night, something strange happened and am wondering if anyone 
> > else has seen this.
> >
> > One of my nodes came up for it's every 90-day password automatic 
> > expire-and-generate-new-password.  While this is normal, the 
> > password change got lost between the client and server.  Here are 
> > console messages from that time:
> >
> > *Normal connection:*
> > 09/18/2017 20:47:38  ANR0406I Session 155733 started for node 
> > (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip (SESSION: 155733)
> > 09/18/2017 20:47:38  ANR0403I Session 155733 ended for node 
> > ISILON-LS (WinNT). (SESSION: 155733)
> > 09/18/2017 20:47:42  ANR0406I Session 155734 started for node 
> > (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip (SESSION: 155734)
> >
> > *Password has expired:*
> > 09/18/2017 20:47:42  ANR0424W Session 155734 for node ISILON-LS  
> > (WinNT) refused - invalid password submitted. (SESSION: 155734)
> > 09/18/2017 20:47:42  ANR0403I Session 155734 ended for node 
> > ISILON-LS (WinNT). (SESSION: 155734)
> > 09/18/2017 20:57:48  ANR0406I Session 155748 started for node 
> > (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip (SESSION: 155748)
> >
> > *Everything looks normal:*
> > 09/18/2017 20:57:50  ANR0403I Session 155748 ended for node 
> > ISILON-LS (WinNT). (SESSION: 155748)
> > 09/18/2017 20:57:53  ANR0406I Session 155750 started for node 
> > (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip (SESSION: 155750)
> >
> > *Password is Invalid?  What....what?*
> > 09/18/2017 20:57:53  ANR0424W Session 155750 for node ISILON-LS  
> > (WinNT) refused - invalid password submitted. (SESSION: 155750)
> > 09/18/2017 20:57:53  ANR0403I Session 155750 ended for node 
> > ISILON-LS (WinNT). (SESSION: 155750)
> >
> > Repeat 'invalid password message' every 10-minutes for the rest of 
> > the night?
> >
> > Client is and server is
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > *Zoltan Forray*
> > Spectrum Protect (p.k.a. TSM) Software & Hardware Administrator 
> > Xymon Monitor Administrator VMware Administrator Virginia 
> > Commonwealth University UCC/Office of Technology Services
> > https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.ucc.vcu.edu&d
> > ata=02%7C01%7Cglee%40BSU.EDU%7C2f7c63f465c94719a09608d4ff7c3f80%7C6f
> > ff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C636414356483419375&sdata=zc
> > Q93GWJMlvxHNGcwY7mHvQxyBCTNGmIIyn5cFZ06JE%3D&reserved=0
> > zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
> > Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations 
> > will never use email to request that you reply with your password, 
> > social security number or confidential personal information. For 
> > more details visit 
> > https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Finfo
> > security.vcu.edu%2Fphishing.html&data=02%7C01%7Cglee%40BSU.EDU%7C2f7
> > c63f465c94719a09608d4ff7c3f80%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0
> > %7C0%7C636414356483419375&sdata=MDF1Xoo4IZQo7g6Dsdnep%2FVEslJTSueO4M
> > v6shBI0%2Fs%3D&reserved=0
> >

-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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