As I know you can recall HSM files only using HSM client.
In version 7.1.X you can use command dsmclc retrieve for it. Don't know about 
Example: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21580766

> 25 сент. 2018 г., в 20:29, Lee, Gary <g...@bsu.edu> написал(а):
> I have a server which is running hsm for windows 6.3.
> Folks have deleted the stub files for much of their data.
> I need to restore, as we are terminating tsm services for that data center.
> Is there a way to retrieve the archives avoiding the hsm client, just use the 
> tsm client?
> This would let me retrieve to another workstation to put things on a stick.
> If not, I need a little help with the hsm command line to craft a retrieval 
> to a new directory tree.
> Thanks for any assistance.

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