
starting with new TSM-Server on a SLES12SP3 x86_64 with LIN_TAPE 3.033

TAPE.Lib is a TS3310 with LTO5 Drives.

Server has: Emulex AJ762B/AH402A FC Adapter an the run both with: 4 Gbit  
(lspci | grep -i fibre)

ANR2784W Specifying PROTECTKEYS=NO requires the server's encryption keys to be 
backed up manually.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) *y*
ANR2782I SET DBRECOVERY completed successfully and device class for automatic 
DB backup is set to 3310L1DEV.

tsm: TSM01>*backup db devclass=3310L1DEV type=full PROTECTKeys=no*
ANR2784W Specifying PROTECTKEYS=NO requires the server's encryption keys to be 
backed up manually.

Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N))*y*
ANR2280I Full database backup started as process 3.
ANS8003I Process number 3 started.

tsm: TSM01>*q act*

12/05/18   15:07:08      ANR8337I LTO volume 000260L5 mounted in drive 3310L1D2 
                          (/dev/IBMtape2). (SESSION: 1, PROCESS: 3)             
12/05/18   15:07:08      ANR0513I Process 3 opened output volume 000260L5.      

after ~30 minutes only 34 MB

tsm: TSM01>*q pro*

Process      Process Description      Process Status                            
--------     --------------------     
       3     Database Backup          TYPE=FULL in progress. Bytes backed up: 
                                       KB. Current output volume(s): 000260L5.  

**If I look with nmon, see only one CPU is 100% in use all other 0%****

*How to find the bottleneck ? *

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