First off, we do not know how anyone can run replication of data from a
FILE base storagepool (yes, we know that CONTAINERS fixes everything🙄) to
another server.  Every attempt we have made usually ends up in a mess that
we have to undo/cleanup.  We find it is very slow (10G on both ends) and
the replication processes never seem to finish/end.

We have observed that no matter how many or how few replication sessions we
start, most of them seem to go idle/wait (e.g. MAXSESSIONS=10 starts
20-sessions to the target server of which 16+ become idle eventhough there
is 4TB to replication.

Since we need to get off magnetic tape (moving to a new building with
restricted space so existing ATL has to go!), we have been using the
offsite server as Virtual Volumes and creating offsite backups to it.  This
was working pretty well until we started experiencing server crashes/cores
after upgrading to 8.1.14 (support confirmed a bug - sent us an eFix for it
- we were continuing to have intermittent crashes - support discovered
another related bug via RECONCILE VOLUMES command - just installed another
eFix that is supposed to address the crashes).

While waiting for a fix for the original server problem, we decided to try
to transition back to replication - only to have more problems than the
crashes. We have had to bounce the target and source servers multiple times
due to replication sessions that won't go away/end as well as the
performance issues I mentioned above.

Did I mention the issues with the 8.1.15 Linux client also related to

Since we have the shared stgpools/reconcile volumes eFix (
installed on all servers, we have decided to go back to virtual volumes.

Now back to the subject of this post.  Right now I have 4-replication
sessions on the target server that say they are doing something (i.e. not
in a WAIT), but in reality have been hung since August 1st (we had
installed the eFix but forgot to disable the admin command that kicks off
replication).  There are no replication sessions on the source server.

All attempts to cancel the ghost sessions on the target server say they
can't be canceled.

So before we bounce it one-more-time, we were wondering if there is a
super-secret "cancel session with force" we are not aware of?

*Zoltan Forray*
Enterprise Backup Administrator
VMware Systems Administrator
Enterprise Compute & Storage Platforms Team
VCU Infrastructure Services - 804-828-4807
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