I got these messages when mounting and accessing data from the volume
(003172).  This volume contains critical data  and i don't want to lose it.
Please confirm if i did the right thing.  I move the data from that volume
to another volume and Adsm automatically delete the volume and make as
scratch tape. Do i need to remove physical (checkout) this volume from adsm
and library?

ANR8820W Repairing VCR data for Volume 003172 in drive DRIVE3 (MT0.0.0.6);
mount may be delayed.
ANR8831W Because of media errors for volume 003172, data should be removed
as soon as possible.
ANR8337I 3590 volume 003172 mounted in drive DRIVE3 (MT0.0.0.6).

Zosi Noriega
ADNOC P.O. Box 898

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