Hi all,

After learning something about AIX I did some investigating on the system
that IBM had set up for us. I discovered that the TSM database and log are
on the same physical disk and mirrored through TSM on a separate physical
disk. Everything I've read tells me to separate these so I wonder why it was
done that way.

The question now is what to do about it. I don't seem to be having a major
performance problem although the system has slowed since it's inception. Our
plan is to purchase a new server since this one goes off lease in May next
year. My plan would be to run this as it is and configure the new one
properly. Now the next question is what is proper.

Should I install the system on it's own disk and mirror it through the OS to
another disk and leave that by itself?

Is it a problem to put the TSM Logs on the same physical disk as the OS or
should I keep that separate? The reason I ask this is because the Recover
Log can only be 5.5gb max.

If I'm using SSA then what kind of performance hit would I get if I used 2
9gb drives to set the Recovery Log on and they were connected via the
internal SCSI controller instead?

If I use a portion of a 36gb SSA disk for the Recovery Log is it ok to use
the rest of that disk for a disk pool or will I take a performance hit?

I doubt that's all of my questions but that's it for now. If anyone has any
suggestions on setting up and migrating everything from my H50 to a new
machine I would appreciate it immensely. And if you're ever in San Diego
I'll take you to meet the Beer Ninja and buy the beer.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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