FF10 is only while they are waiting to be transported over to the I/O
(well, that is what triggers them to be ejected... if you change a category
of a tape to FF10 the atl will eject it)
Once in the I/O station they are cleared from inventory.

I don't think there is any way to "count" how many tapes are in the I/O bay,
only tell if there are any tapes in it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Byrne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 8:02 AM
Subject: 3494 Convenience I/O category

I'm trying to determine the number of tapes that are in the convenience I/O
station of a 3494 tape library.  I thought that I had found the answer on
Richard Sims' QuickFacts page:

3494, count of cartridges in    Via Unix command:
Convenience I/O Station         'mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -vqK -s ff10'

However, I'm having trouble getting the mtlib command to produce the
results that I was looking for.  When I run this command, I always get a
count of 0 returned, even when we've just ejected tapes and they are still
in the I/O station.  The same is true if we've just inserted tapes into the
I/O station, and they are still in the process of being stored in the cells.

Am I missing something?  Is the category "FF10" correct for cartridges in
the I/O station?  When I query with other categories, I get the results
that I'm expecting.

Is there a master list of the valid categories for the 3494?

Thanks in advance,


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