Here is another anomoly I discovered this morning as I was watching the
backup of the NOTES_TPOOL to Offsite_pool. After the backup finished I saw

05/14/01 11:12:16     ANR1341I Scratch volume U00086 has been deleted from

                       storage pool NOTES_TPOOL.

Q Vol showed this, before this particular tape was deleted.

U00086                    NOTES_TPOOL  3590CLASS    18,644.8  100.0    Full

Q volhist shows this tape assigned to this tape pool in April and now
deleting this morning. But for what reason? There were no other processes
running except this one.

       Date/Time: 03/29/01 01:23:01
     Volume Type: STGNEW
   Backup Series:
Backup Operation:
      Volume Seq:
    Device Class: 3590CLASS
     Volume Name: U00086
 Volume Location:

       Date/Time: 05/14/01 11:12:15
     Volume Type: STGDELETE
   Backup Series:
Backup Operation:
      Volume Seq:
    Device Class: 3590CLASS
     Volume Name: U00086
 Volume Location:

Am I missing something here. It really wasn't a long weekend....

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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