>....Disk2 is mounted as /u01 and contains the TSM db and log. disk3 is
>mounted as /u02 and contains dbcopy and logcopy of what are on disk1. Disk3
>is mounted as /u03 and acts as a storage pool. The drive having problem is
>disk2. What is the procedure of replacing the drive? Can I assume that by
>shutting down TSM, umounting /u01, replacing the drive, creating logic
>volume and fite system, mounting /u01, and starting TSM, the TSM server will
>automatically regenerate what were on /u01 using dbcopy and logcopy on /u02?

Given that you're using TSM mirroring and hot-swap disk, you should not have
to shut down your server to recover. See the Admin Guide, chapter 21 topic
"Restoring Your Server Using Mirrored Volumes" - which is actually mistitled,
as it's for recovering from the failure of a mirrored volume while the server
continues running.  That is, a failure of a mirrored volume will likely cause
the mirror to "break", meaning that you'll be running with a single image.
You prep a replacement volume and then Vary it online to resume mirrored

   Richard Sims, BU

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