We have a similar situation..

Incrementals Mon-Sat and Full(+DBS to go offsite) on Sundays.
This is done on our DDS drive (created a manual DATclass).
The incrementals are DDS2 tapes and the full/DBS are DDS3.
(BTW. our DB is 18GB and hasn't filled the tape yet)

We have a compressed file (~8Meg) created every night, which includes volhist,
devconfig, show configuration, OS info etc. This gets secured copied (scp) to
a couple of remote servers. You can encrypt if sufficiently paranoid).

Be paranoid about DAT format. DAT can get flakey if you don't look after
the drive/tapes. I don't allow _any_ used DAT tapes(unless they have only
been read on that drive) to enter that drive. Offenders get electrocuted
on the spot.
I replace every tape that has 1 year of use(they become hand-me-downs for
other systems).


On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 11:12:06AM -0500, Ray wrote:
> Hello all,
> I currently do on-disk db backups (to a file devclass) of my relatively
> small (2 gb) database.  Full on Saturday, incrementals Sun-Fri.  I keep 2
> weeks of backups on disk.
> I need to start implementing an offsite stgpool.  Instead of wasting a
> 100gb LTO tape for the db, i'm thinking about just tarring the on-disk
> backup to a DDS3 drive.  I'll also put vol history and devconfig on the
> DDS3 tape, and send it offsite with the LTO tapes..  I think it'll be a
> very long time before the db exceeds the 12gb capacity of DDS3.
> Anyone see any problems/gotchas with sending the db offsite this way?
> Thanks,
> Ray
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Ray DeJean                                       http://www.r-a-y.org
> Systems Administrator               Southeastern Louisiana University
> IBM Certified Specialist              AIX Administration, AIX Support
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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