We strongly agree.  MAC is making a strong comeback on campus, and the OS X
question will be frequently asked here.

At 09:57 AM 5/22/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Much to my dismay, Apple announced yesterday at the start of the
>WWDC that they would start shipping all new Macs with OS X along
>with OS 9.1 as of yesterday. They will dual boot 9.1 and X, but
>I'm sure the pressure to go to OS X will be strong.
>We're getting more and more Macs and I can't back them up with
>the current TSM client (at least not the OS X stuff). Is there
>a committment to creating an OS X client or should I start looking
>for another backup product? I hate to bring in another server
>because the single backup product strategy has been such a good
>thing for us - especially in terms of support costs and personnel.
>Gretchen Thiele
>Princeton University

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