Hi, we just upgraded to TSM from ADSM When I do a
query session, I *always* see HTTP sessions, even when no one is
connected via the web interface.


   Sess  Comm.   Sess      Wait    Bytes    Bytes  Sess   Platform  Client Name
Number  Method  State     Time     Sent    Recvd  Type
------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  -----  --------
  6,157  HTTP    Run       0 S         0        0  Admin  WebBrow-  ?
  6,158  HTTP    RecvW     0 S         0        0  Admin  WebBrow-  ?
  6,160  HTTP    RecvW     0 S         0        0  Admin  WebBrow-  ?

What are these sessions and why do they appear & disappear
randomly/suddenly? Are these just a sign that TSM is
"waiting"/"listening" on its HTTP port for someone to connect? (If
so, why didn't ADSM have these?)

p.s. We have 1.1 GB of RAM on our TSM box. Under ADSM, this
apparently wasn't enough, as we always got "Paging space low!" if the
server app ran for more than ~72 hours without restarting the app (a
"memory leak"?). I hope TSM doesn't do this same thing. Anyone know?
     Does anyone else have to restart their ADSM app every day or
every other day to prevent it from dying? Just curious....

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