Hello everybody,
is there anybody who have seen the problem discribed below. In order to
solve here is an additional information.
During the task that stops the funktionality of the processor, the backup
client (Version 4.1.2) backuped the volume
Sys: of the Novell Server Version 4.11 The task as you can see stops the
main function of the cpu, so that the server
runs during the 8h until it*%s booted again in an slow mode. I think that
there is an failure in the Code of the module dsmc.nlm so that the task
could not find an adress which is adressed by the clib.nlm. Does someone
know this, if so please answer me.
Thanks in advance Bernd

Loading module DSBACKER.NLM
  NetWare 4.11 Directory Services Install
  Version 5.50    30 September 1998
  Copyright 1993-1996 Novell, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Patents
Module DSBACKER.NLM unloaded
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.27  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: DSMC.NLM      237 Process
    Stack: 50 6F 8C 3B 80 F4 07 FB 20 95 A5 2E B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 80 F4 07 FB 70 6F 8C 3B 89 CA 0F F1
           80 F4 07 FB 10 70 59 3C 00 00 00 00 20 96 A5 2E

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

The running process will be suspended.

28.05.01  21.27.27 :    SERVER-4.11-748
     Read from a nonpresent page.
     Process: DSMC.NLM      237.
     Module: Novell Standard C Library for NLMs      .
     Code offset in module: 00017CE5h.
     Access address: 4D522F37h.

NW05FS04 <1>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.27  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 00 Process
    Stack: 94 FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 E0 C6 C5 2B B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 80 30 00 FB B8 FF 08 00 AB EB 0F F1
           80 30 00 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B E0 C6 C5 2B

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <2>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.27  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 18 Process
    Stack: 94 FF 05 3E 00 00 00 00 80 01 DE 2C B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 00 B6 02 FB B8 FF 05 3E AB EB 0F F1
           00 B6 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 80 01 DE 2C

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <3>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.27  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 03 Process
    Stack: 94 DF E7 00 00 00 00 00 80 07 F1 2B B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 40 91 00 FB B8 DF E7 00 AB EB 0F F1
           40 91 00 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 80 07 F1 2B

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <4>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 04 Process
    Stack: 84 9F 11 3E 00 00 00 00 60 66 3D 3B B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 40 D4 01 FB A8 9F 11 3E AB EB 0F F1
           40 D4 01 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 60 66 3D 3B

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <5>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 12 Process
    Stack: 94 6F 10 3E 00 00 00 00 E0 1B EF 2A B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 40 55 02 FB B8 6F 10 3E AB EB 0F F1
           40 55 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B E0 1B EF 2A

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <6>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 17 Process
    Stack: 84 CF 05 3E 00 00 00 00 10 00 DE 2C B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C E0 A5 02 FB A8 CF 05 3E AB EB 0F F1
           E0 A5 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 10 00 DE 2C

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <7>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 14 Process
    Stack: 94 FF 06 3E 00 00 00 00 90 8A 61 31 B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 80 75 02 FB B8 FF 06 3E AB EB 0F F1
           80 75 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 90 8A 61 31

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <8>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 09 Process
    Stack: 84 EF 10 3E 00 00 00 00 10 F0 52 2E B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C E0 24 02 FB A8 EF 10 3E AB EB 0F F1
           E0 24 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 10 F0 52 2E

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

NW05FS04 <9>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.28  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: DSMC.NLM      234 Process
    Stack: 38 9F A2 2C 20 C4 07 FB 50 BD B6 3A B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 20 C4 07 FB 58 9F A2 2C 89 CA 0F F1
           20 C4 07 FB 5C 9F A2 2C 00 00 00 00 E7 B1 0F F1

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

The running process will be suspended.

28.05.01  21.27.30 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.27.30 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.27.30 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <10>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.30  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 02 Process
    Stack: 84 AF E7 00 00 00 00 00 10 60 3D 3B B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 20 81 00 FB A8 AF E7 00 AB EB 0F F1
           20 81 00 FB 74 08 22 F1 40 FF 27 2B 10 60 3D 3B

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

28.05.01  21.27.31 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.27.31 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.27.31 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.27.31 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <11>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.33  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 20 Process
    Stack: 94 9F 01 3E 00 00 00 00 10 71 9E 2D B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 40 D6 02 FB B8 9F 01 3E AB EB 0F F1
           40 D6 02 FB A7 2C 47 F1 40 FF 27 2B 10 71 9E 2D

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

28.05.01  21.27.33 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <12>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.37  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 08 Process
    Stack: C4 5F 12 3E 00 00 00 00 A0 8B BA 01 B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C C0 14 02 FB E8 5F 12 3E AB EB 0F F1
           C0 14 02 FB 74 08 22 F1 40 FF 27 2B A0 8B BA 01

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

28.05.01  21.27.37 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <13>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.39  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: DSMC.NLM      238 Process
    Stack: 7C FF 2F 2B A0 04 08 FB 90 DA BB 01 B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C A0 04 08 FB 9C FF 2F 2B 89 CA 0F F1
           A0 04 08 FB 01 0A 01 00 00 00 00 00 E7 B1 0F F1

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

The running process will be suspended.

28.05.01  21.27.39 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <14>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.40  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: DSMC.NLM      235 Process
    Stack: 38 3F 6D 2D 40 D4 07 FB 40 AD 39 32 B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 40 D4 07 FB 58 3F 6D 2D 89 CA 0F F1
           40 D4 07 FB 5C 3F 6D 2D 00 00 00 00 E7 B1 0F F1

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

The running process will be suspended.

28.05.01  21.27.41 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <15>:
System halted Monday, 28 May 2001  21.27.41  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: DSMC.NLM      236 Process
    Stack: 38 EF 9B 2B 60 E4 07 FB 10 B0 B6 3A B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 60 E4 07 FB 58 EF 9B 2B 89 CA 0F F1
           60 E4 07 FB 5C EF 9B 2B 00 00 00 00 E7 B1 0F F1

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by DSMC.NLM.

The running process will be suspended.

28.05.01  21.27.41 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

28.05.01  21.34.36 :    TIMESYNC-4.15-72
     Time synchronization has been lost after 311 successful
polling loops.

28.05.01  21.35.03 :    TIMESYNC-4.15-138
     Time synchronization has been established.

NW05FS04 <16>:
System halted Tuesday, 29 May 2001   8.32.31  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 16 Process
    Stack: 94 7F 06 3E 00 00 00 00 90 8B 61 31 B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C C0 95 02 FB B8 7F 06 3E AB EB 0F F1
           C0 95 02 FB 74 08 22 F1 40 FF 27 2B 90 8B 61 31

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

29.05.01   8.32.31 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

NW05FS04 <17>:
System halted Tuesday, 29 May 2001   8.32.32  MEST

Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code
    OS version: Novell NetWare 4.11  22 August 1996
    Running Process: Server 10 Process
    Stack: 94 1F 11 3E 00 00 00 00 10 01 F1 2B B3 8C 08 F1
           D0 65 59 3C 00 35 02 FB B8 1F 11 3E AB EB 0F F1
           00 35 02 FB 74 08 22 F1 40 FF 27 2B 10 01 F1 2B

Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in CLIB.NLM.  The
    problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module
    by a process owned by SERVER.NLM.

The running process will be returned to a safe state.

29.05.01   8.32.32 :    SERVER-4.11-4631
     WARNING! Server NW05FS04 experienced a critical error.  The
     process was suspended or recovered.  However, services hosted
by this
     server may have been effected.

29.05.01  14.40.50 :    RSPX-4.11-27
     Remote console connection refused for 00000005:400000585802

Weiskircher Bernd
70178 Stuttgart
Reinsburgstrasse 19
Office:  0711 663 3323
Home: 06821 88791
Mobil: 0175 5433500

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