
Salary depends on what field (retail, research, non-profit, government,...)
and what part of the country you live in as much as your job title and
background. Most management, HR, and trade magazines do periodic surveys to
find out what people are likely to make given those parameters. For example,
ComputerWorld's 2000 salary survey is available at
df ( -> Careers -> Surveys and Reports -- Salary
Related -> 2000 report).

Good luck!


First, I think you are pretty arrogant to tell the whole list what we will
and won't do.

Second, everyone should ask such questions. The only people who don't want
you to know what a reasonable salary is are anal-retentive HR types who
think that only _their_ priesthood should know salary information (as
opposed to good HR types that want to treat people well) and top-level
executives who don't want you to know how much more they make than you do.
How else can you request a reasonable salary if you don't know what
reasonable is?

- Kai.

>Date:    Fri, 1 Jun 2001 15:38:53 -0400
>From:    "Dhotre, Shekhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Pl answer to this question or mail me directly
>Bala first thing nobody will answer such kind of questions on this AIX
>disscussioin list ,
>and nobody  should  ask  such kind of questions ..
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 12:07 PM
>Subject: Pl answer to this question or mail me directly
>Importance: High
>Its a humble request pl.
>May be some may get surprised with this question.Pl delete this mail if u
>feel .I wanted to know this
>because no one tells me here in USA.
>I wanted to know what whould be salary per year for the following data
>2.With network and DBA background for
>  for past 14 years.
>PHONE 314-206-5911.

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